
1. Theme: Point Pattern Analysis

2. Abstract

To help bridge the gap between geospatial analysis and ease of use, Spatial Pointers is created to aid non-technical users with a specific type of geospatial analysis: Point Pattern Analysis.

Our application will assist users with two kinds of Point Pattern Analysis: Spatial Point Patterns Analysis and Network-Constrained Point Patterns Analysis. Spatial Point Patterns Analysis is helpful in finding out whether the input dataset point distribution resembles spatial randomness or regular/clustered pattern; or whether two input dataset point distributions are dependent on each other. Network-Constrained Point Patterns Analysis is helpful in finding out whether the distribution of spatial point events occurring on or alongside networks resembles spatial randomness or regular/clustered pattern.

For each analysis, our application is able to provide users with kernel density maps of the input spatial point datasets and conduct various hypothesis tests to derive statistical conclusions on the distributions of datasets.

To illustrate the functions of our application, we will input examples for the two types of analysis. For Spatial Point Patterns Analysis, we would like to uncover whether McDonald’s outlets in Singapore are distributed randomly and if not, what are the factors that affect the outlets’ location. For Network-Constrained Point Patterns Analysis, we inputted data sets of various point events (e.g. Childcare Centres) in Punggol, Singapore and several chosen secondary factors in the same study area. Through this, we can investigate whether the point events (e.g. Childcare Centres) in Punggol, Singapore is distributed randomly and if not, what are the secondary factors (e.g. Bus Stops) that affect their locations.

3. Problem & Motivation

Countless data sources exist in the form of spatial data, with geographic elements such as the shape, size or location of the features. Such spatial data could be analysed to generate useful insights or drive insightful decisions such as planning locations of facilities and understanding more about Ecology.

However, not many people are technically trained to do such spatial analysis. Additionally, the only way for them to improve their breadth and depth of knowledge pertaining to this area is limited to online resources. Without proper foundation, any analysis done could be highly inaccurate as well.

Therefore, our main focus is to develop a web-based geospatial analytical tool dedicated to Point Pattern Analysis, with two methods available for use.

Through this geospatial application, we hope to give pointers to and allow users to conduct Point Pattern Analysis for their selected data with ease, regardless of their technical background. Hence, the name Spatial Pointers is given for our application.

4. Project Objectives

In this project, we would like to create an analytical application that enables users to:

5. Main Features

The main features of the analytical tools are:

a. Spatial Point Patterns Analysis

b. Network-Constrained Point Patterns Analysis

6. Data Sources

The following datasets will be used as sample use cases:

Spatial Point Patterns Analysis

Network-Constrained Point Patterns Analysis

7. Approach/Methodology

a. Data Preparation

b. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

c. Point Pattern Analysis

8. Literature review

a. A Shiny web application for the analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal disease data

b. Measuring Spatial Patterns of Health Care Facilities and Their Relationships with Hypertension Inpatients in a Network-Constrained Urban System

c. Spatial Point Pattern Analysis of Human Settlements and Geographical Associations in Eastern Coastal China — A Case Study

9. Storyboard

Home Page

Spatial KDE

Spatial Statistical Functions

Network KDE

Network Statistical Functions


10. Application Architecture

11. Timeline

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